Now here's body makeup inspiration: The Oregon Country Fair...and no deodorant required! Or so many seem to think. Or maybe it's the patchouli. No offense, just not my smell. Not to put down the Country Fair. I actually loved it! It was super creative and fantastic for people watching. The aerial acrobatic circus performances were not to be missed!
Now the Country Fair is advertised as a family attraction, but what they should say is, it's for families who are comfortable with their children around bare butt men in loin cloths, and bare breasted women, only some covered in paint. Now that would be a more honest representation for the families. I brought my seven year old daughter, and lucky for me, or not lucky for me, I was brought up in a hippy nudie environment and could handle having my child in this environment. I don't exactly think it's a family attraction though! Although on the way home when I was doubting whether I'd take her again, I asked her if she wanted to go and she didn't hesitate to answer, "Yes!"
So, after scrubbing away the dirt, and there was a lot of it, I ponder over my day and sit here and time I need to wear way more glitter!